The La Entrada PTA provides complimentary membership to all LE families and staff. Since our 20+ programs and events are only possible with community support, however, we collect critical program funds on a voluntary donation basis.

General Membership Donation

Amount $

Meal Kit Service Project Donation:  Help us meet our goal of raising $7150! All proceeds fund meal kits that students package with the non-profit, Rise Against Hunger. Kits are sent around the world to families experiencing food insecurity. Each $38 donation purchases 100 nutritious meals of enriched rice, soy protein, and dried vegetables. Amount $


To donate to support this year’s graduation, go to the dedicated donation page.

8th-Grade Graduation Party Donation: Earmarked for PTA-sponsored graduation celebration for 8th-grade students. (Click here for more information about graduation.)

Amount $


Please save a copy of your PayPal receipt as documentation of your tax-deductible donation.

(Tax ID #94-6181781)