Welcome to the 2021 Visual Arts Virtual Showcase! We are thrilled that 70 students entered this contest, which is part of the National PTA’s “Reflections” program. This year’s theme was, “I will change the world by…”

Entries are rated according to:

  1. Interpretation of the theme (the most heavily weighted criteria): How closely the piece relates to the annual theme, based on the Work itself and the artist statement.
  2. Creativity: How creative and original the piece is in its conception of the theme and its presentation.
  3. Technique: The level of skill demonstrated in the basic principles/techniques of the arts area.

Thank you to our panel of visual arts experts who reviewed the artist entries!


Catharina S. “Earth Trees” (Age 11)

Artist’s Statement: I will change the world by planting trees. Over time we can turn the world into a better, greener place again. For this art piece I used watercolor and some watercolor pencils. There are four Earths in this painting, from smallest to largest to show the growth of the tree overtime. This painting has a lot of blue and purple with some uneven areas and lighter areas to catch your eye. The smallest earth is more faded while the largest earth is very colored to show the earth is the happiest if we take care of it.


Rubi O. “Reach the Light” (Age 12)

Artist Statement: There is always light in this world. It may be somewhere where your eyes can’t see it, or your skin can’t feel it. Or possibly you might not want to believe in it however, we all need to see light at least once in our lives. Change the world by showing others that there is light in this world. Then those who have had a glance of light will want to reach out the palm of their hand and see the light, be the light forever.